Tuesday, April 26, 2005

What's in a name?

Dear Jason

Did you know that your name means "healer"? And that you, little baby you, not only healed me, but saved my life?

Before you were born I was going downhill fast. I was into alcohol and sleeping around and doing some very dangerous things that could have killed me in a few years. I'm surprised I survived those years.

But then you came along, and as soon as I knew you were growing I stopped behaving in a way that could end my life and yours. I wanted not only to grow you inside me as a healthy baby, but have a life that would support you becoming the best you could be once you were born.

Sure, I was scared at first when I realized I was going to be a mom. I was only just 21, and didn't have a job or know what I was going to do with the future. I did panic a bit, but was lucky to have family and friends that gave me lots of love and support when I needed it most.

I gave up the alcohol and the sleeping around, and I got down to the business of being a mom. This was one thing that had started that I had to finish - and couldn't leave off half-way.

I began to get my future lined up, though you know as well as I do that I sometimes get itchy feet and want change, even now. I managed to find work that would still let me breast-feed you, until you were 9 months old, and then continue to provide for us when we finally moved into our own house. I started to provide all the things you needed. And I sorted out my head.

You saved my life, and you healed me. You made me better outside and inside, and you keep on making me better. Some days I feel like a bad, bad mom - but those good days with you wipe the slate clean again.

Thank you for being my healer. Be proud of your name - it's who you really are.



Blogger urbanmonk said...

This is really beautiful stuff!
I am a thirty two year old male in melbourne who has had a difficult relationship with his mum.

you are helping me to see the other side. there are tears in my eyes..

thank you

not fixed, but fed..

7:34 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Thank you very much for your kind words. I sometimes wonder what my son will feel about me one day... and it often scares me.

2:19 AM  

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