Wednesday, June 07, 2006

On Your 13th Birthday

Dear Jason

13 years ago you were new to the outside world. Your entire life lay ahead of you. You were a baby who looked like any other baby would - wrinkly, red, crying, eyes still getting used to the morning light after 9 months of growing in the dark.

I was a new mother, a single mother - not sure how our lives would go from there. I lived with your grandparents and my brothers, didn't have a job, and it was only thanks to a very generous baby shower that you had clothes and baby goods at all!

But these past 13 years have been awesome. I've loved being your mom and watching you grow. There's been some tough times (things at school, getting used to different stages of growing up, and sometimes having little or no money), but there's been many more good times than bad.

This morning as you stood next to me, you're my height exactly. Your feet are as big as my large size 8's, and your arms and legs have stretched into the teen look - somewhat skinny and long, awaiting the addition of muscles (which we'll have to work on! :) ) and a settling in to the body you'll have for life.

It's your last year of primary school too - and boy, has it been a wild ride. But you're doing so well now. Yes, we're not particularly enthusiastic about the school system - but you've coped and come out on top as a quiet yet strong young man.

And that's what you are now. A young man.

Your life still lies ahead of you. Who knows what it will bring! Perhaps a trip through Africa half-way through your 14th year? Perhaps a girlfriend (or boyfriend!) soon? There's many decisions to be made, many situations to face and soldier through, many paths to choose - all ahead of you.

As you turn 13 today, I'm looking forward to being your mom for this new stage of your life. I think it's going to be awesome. We may struggle through the teen years, but it will still be awesome.

Thank you for bringing wonder and joy to my life.

Happy Birthday babes..



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