Thursday, December 04, 2008


Dear Jason

I can't believe you're this old already, and this grown up. 1 December 2008 marks the day that you first took razor to face - and didn't do half badly!

It really helped that Eben was around to give you pointers, to show you how to do things, and say "next time, try this". I don't think I could have done that on my own - I can only teach you about shaving legs, underarms and other stuff like that. :-)

But it's one more step toward becoming a man - and those steps are coming thick and fast now. You're taller than me, your voice has broken, your shoe size is huge and all your clothes shrinking. This holiday sees your first trip on your own to visit the relatives up-country - another big milestone.

I'm proud of the man I see you becoming, although I know teen years aren't easy to deal with, and you still have a lot of searching for direction to get through. I know you've inherited your gran's gentle spirit and love of beauty. Your gramp's sense of humour. And you've developed as a unique young man.

A pretty cool teen.
